Tuesday 15 May 2012


This is one of th magazine covers I have used and taken influence from for my own front cover.

Photoshop Practice

This is my photoshop practice with colour isolation and general photoshop practice

Front cover

This is the front cover for my media magazine.
This is the contents page for my This Generation/TG magazine

Wednesday 14 March 2012

This picture has only been modified enough to remove elements like the contrasting colours.
Elements that were to be included nut eventually were not had a TCR logo in the higher left corner, (which suffered technical difficulties) and a tagline in support of this fundraiser and to encourage others.
Some correction such as buttoning the top button and straightening the tie via photoshop tools.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Jared Leto saves fans from alleged bomber
According to internet reports, 30 Seconds To Mars frotnman Jared Leto saved fans from an alleged suicide bomber last night in Los Angeles.
Fans were gathered at The Hive in West Hollywood for a special screening of a new 30 Seconds To Mars documentary when, at approximately 8:30PM, a young man in a black hooded top stormed into the venue. He pushed his way to the front of the room and dropped a large box covered in gold wrapping paper at Leto’s feet.
When the singer asked him to leave the stage, the unidentified male said “It’s time for a little self-help” and is then said to have allegedly muttered something about having explosives. Upon hearing this, Leto wrestled with the man and dragged him out of the room.
“[It was] weird,” said one eyewitness. “Everyone in the room watched him walk toward Jared. Jared said ‘Someone stop him’ three or four times, but no one did. The guy got to Jared, dropped the box on the floor and started to give a speech. Jared grabbed him by the shoulders and basically [dragged] him out the back door."
The alleged bomber was restrained by the band’s security guards until the police and bomb disposal experts arrived.
“I just finished with the police,” Leto wrote on his Twitter at 11PM last night. “They cleared five blocks and brought in the bomb squad and [sniffer] dogs.”

As can be seen, this article is rather short and direct but also seems in many ways to use words that exaggerate the situation or else create a powerful impact, such as claiming that the man “stormed” into the stage and how Jared Leto “wrestled” the man away despite the fan footage of the incident making it seem far less dramatic than one would possibly suspect from the language used in the article. Including the quote from Leto’s blog is also an example of this, as it does not seem needed, it is merely there for either shock value or to enhance the viewers excitement.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Moral Panic

Moral Panic is a term that means that the media and a large group of people rise against a certain group of people or social value. Moral Panic has been risen against subjects that are simply disliked rather than actually wrong (subjects to have been demonised include black people and homosexsuality).